How To Edit & Add Etsy Shop Sections

In this Etsy tutorial we look at how to edit and add Etsy shop sections along with the benefits of using them.

Shop Sections 101

What are Etsy shop sections? Why are they important to your shop’s success?

With shop sections, you can organize your Etsy products into groups so shoppers can easily explore your different offerings.

Sections also create additional landing pages for your shop. This creates a better user experience and also gives search engines a better clue on the niche your shop is in so they can send you potential customers.

Details to know about Etsy shop sections:

  • You can have up to 20 custom sections
  • A shop section name can be up to 24 characters long 
  • Section names create page titles for these group pages
  • You can only add a product to one section of your shop

Shop sections can be incredibly useful for multiple reasons so let’s look at how to edit and add shop sections.

How To Edit & Add Shop Sections

How To Edit Etsy Shop Sections Video

To change the shop section name you do the following:

  • go to Shop Manager
  • go to Listings in the left menu
  • on the right menu, click on “Manage” next to Sections
  • click on the pencil icon next to shop section you want to edit
  • type in the Shop Section name and click “Save Changes”

Adding, editing, and rearranging shop sections on Etsy is easy and definitely worth the few minutes of time it will take you to organize.

Changing Etsy Shop Sections For SEO

You can optimize your shop sections to improve your shop’s SEO in addition to making the customer experience better.

Each section in your shop has it’s own landing page and these pages all have a page title based on the shop section name.

Editing your shop sections to be descriptive and use good keywords will help people find these sections via search. The titles for the sections becomes the page title which shows up in search engines.

Etsy limits the section names to 24 characters and automatically includes the section name in the page title.

This means you need to choose the best keyword option for each shop section.

Finding Etsy Keywords

If you’ve never worked on finding keywords before you can watch the video below and try using the keyword tool SaleSamurai.

How To Find Etsy Product Keyword Ideas Video

Using descriptive keywords that people actually search for is a huge part of winning with Etsy SEO.

How do you find the best possible words to use for your shop sections?

You can do this in a number of ways.

Think Like A Customer

The very first thing to do when looking for keywords should be thinking like a customer would:

  • What would they search for?
  • What are they looking for?
  • How are they trying to solve a problem?
  • What category of product are they searching for?

Asking questions about what your buyer is looking for will naturally lead you to keyword ideas.

Etsy Auto Populate Suggestions

One way to find keywords for your shop is to use the Etsy search bar auto populate function.

When you start typing into the search bar on Etsy it will show additional suggestions. These are keywords you can use in your shop!

The more broad keywords that show up in the auto populated suggestions could be potential sections for your shop.

Etsy Keyword Research Tools

There are several decent Etsy keyword tools that can help you judge which keywords to use for your shop.

These sites can give you information about keyword volume, how seasonal a keyword might be, and how many sales other shops using these keywords are getting. Having more information can help you choose which keywords you want to use with your limited space.

Sale Samurai - Etsy SEO, Analytics, & Keyword Research Software

Sale Samurai's powerful AI driven keyword tools help you find and implement long tail keywords that bring in Etsy traffic and generate more sales.

For a 20% discount on Sale Samurai use my code penniesnotperfection

I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

My current favorite tool is SaleSamurai.

It utilizes AI to help you find keywords that have good traffic but less competition so you can start making progress with your shop.

how to add and edit etsy shop sections

More Etsy SEO Tips

There are many factors for Etsy SEO including setting up your shop correctly.

You can learn more factors in this article about Etsy SEO tips.

If you want more Etsy help, here are a few popular guides:

Selling on Etsy can be a life changing side hustle. I hope these resources help you make it life changing too!

Mary is the founder of Pennies Not Perfection where she shares her journey to build wealth through online income. She quit her day job in 2021 after she paid off her debt and doubled her 9-5 salary.

Mary's favorite free financial tool is Personal Capital. She uses their free tools to track net worth and work toward to financial freedom.

Her favorite investment platform is M1 Finance, where she built a custom portfolio for free with no fees. She shares her portfolio growth and savings progress every month on YouTube.