How To Create An Etsy Digital Product Listing

How do you create a new digital product listing on Etsy? Watch me walk through creating an Etsy listing step by step as I make a new listing on my shop for a new digital product.

Creating an Etsy listing isn’t hard but you want to focus on using keywords people will search for and giving Etsy as much information about your listing as possible!

How To Create An Etsy Digital Product Listing Tutorial

Let’s look at how to create a digital product listing on Etsy in this video tutorial.

Etsy Listing Tutorial

Covered in the Etsy digital listing video tutorial:

  • Etsy listing details
  • Etsy listing description
  • Phots and Videos for your Etsy listing
  • Etsy listing tags
  • Etsy listing seo
  • Keywords to use on your Etsy listing
  • Etsy listing price

You can see this actual listing in my Etsy shop here: Digital Goal Setting Planner Printable

In the video tutorial I mentioned using mockups in your thumbnails for digital products. My favorite place to get these is Creative Market.

Learn how to buy commercial use elements on Creative Market.

200+ Digital Product Ideas For Passive Income

Want to start selling digital products but not sure what to sell?

Get inspired by this list of over 200 digital product ideas that you can sell online for passive income!

Digital Product File Delivery

A huge part of creating a digital product listing on Etsy is setting up the digital file section. Let’s look at the details and most frequently asked questions about delivering digital download files to Etsy buyers.

Etsy File Types

Digital files can be created in multiple file types.

The most common will be:

  • PDF
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • SVG

For selling printables I always recommend PDF since they are easier to print and will be the highest quality option for someone printing. You can always include multiple file types for your customer.

If you are selling Canva templates you will handle them differently but will also upload a PDF file to your listing. You can learn more about that in this post: How To Share Canva Templates

Naming Your Files

Naming your digital download files doesn’t need to be complicated but it should be useful. It should also make sense to your customers.

The best way to accomplish this with your digital product files is to name them clearly as you save them. Make sure you name them in a way that is easily identifiable so your customers can find them quickly once downloaded.

That means you will want to change things to make it more clear to buyers and for your own organization.

Change from:

  • IMG_2021_06_05.PDF

To a more clear name like:

  • Spending_Tracker_Pennies_Not_Perfection.PDF

Always include a descriptive title along with your shop’s brand name.

This is a simple thing to do when you are creating your printables and it will help keep you and your customer organized.

Adding Files To Your Etsy Listing

When setting up your listing you will be able to upload 5 files with your listing. You can see how this looks on the Etsy admin side in this photo below.

You should upload the printable files but you can also include instructions or bonuses here as well. For templates or links to bundles you can upload a file with the link and instructions.

Customer Downloads

When someone purchases your digital product from Etsy the files are automatically available for them to download inside their account.

You don’t have to send any files to the customer or interact with them unless they send you a message with questions.

After a purchase your customer will be be able to go to “Purchases and Reviews” under “Your Account”. Here they will see all the files they purchased from you.

Then they can click the black “Download Files” button which takes them to a screen where they can download each file individually. by clicking each “Download” button.

For a customer resource you can send them to read frequently asked questions on this post: How To Download A Digital Product On Etsy or the video below:

Etsy Digital Item Download Instructions

Including Download Instructions

Even with a clear cut process of downloading digital files you will still have customers with questions. I highly recommend you create instructions for how to access and open your printables.

Providing detailed information about how to find and download your files will help you save time and provide additional value to your customers. You can share this information in as many places as possible so they know what to expect and how to proceed with your files.

Things you can include for your customer’s education:

  • This is a printable that is a digital file – nothing will be shipped
  • File types and size of the files
  • Ideal printing methods and information
  • Where to access files in their account
  • How to download digital files in their account
  • Any other disclaimers that are important for your shop like refund policy, commercial use policy, and color discrepancy issues

It works best with customers to spell out as much information as possible. Then if they don’t read it and still ask questions you can quickly refer back to the original instructions.

You can include all of this in your notes to digital buyers section and also as a downloadable pdf file that you can label either “Read First” or “Instructions”. This is an additional opportunity to include elements to reinforce your brand and build a relationship with the customer by being helpful.

Want to keep learning?

Selling digital products can change your life and create a full time income for you. It’s a fantastic way to monetize any online business which is why I love talking about it.

You can learn more about selling digital products on Etsy with these tips and tutorials: