What Are Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps?

If you’ve ever looked up how to get out of debt then you’ve come Dave Ramsey. He is the author of countless books on personal finance and focuses much of his advice on how to get out of debt fast in order to live a better life. Live like no one else so you can … Read more

8 Money Moves To Make In Your 20s

Your 20s are a fantastic decade full of discovery, growth, mistakes, and successes. It’s a wonderful time to explore all that life has to offer but it’s also the best time to build a financial foundation that will set you up for decades to come. There are thousands of blog posts and YouTube videos about … Read more

April 2020 Monthly Budget

Our April monthly budget has a ton of new changes because our lives are different now! With trying to navigate the current financial crisis and global pandemic we’ve adjusted our goals for the year and our budget is going to reflects that change. Our main focus is savings for our emergency fund and building up … Read more